Sunday 1 June 2014

Isys100 Women's Self Defence Video

This video includes two scenarios which are in club and in car park.Women who confront these uncomfortable situation need to be alert and confident. Besides, being aware of your instincts protects you from danger.When you want to strike, you can strike at attackers' weak areas. It can enable you to quickly to escape 
from uncomfortable situation.
Our group aims at raising social awareness of empowering women through teaching self-defence techniques and highlights the responsibility to protect ourselves from dangerous situation.

Sourced from:

Monday 12 May 2014



  • Trust your instincts
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Know your strengths, work on your weaknesses
  • Be alert and be confident
  • Prevention i.e reducing your risk of getting attacked, violence and uncomfortable situations e.g. avoid particular areas
  • If you are going out for the night, go out with someone you know and trust and secondly let someone know where you are going and time you are expected back
  • If you have to strike, strike fast and with power, do not hesitate
  • If you have to strike, strike in the weak areas that will enable you to escape
  • Be resourceful e.g. using your perfume as a substitute for pepper spray
Here is a summary video of the main self defence moves for : wrist hold, shoulder grabs (both sides), both wrist grabs and bear hug.

Self defence class benefits

  • Teaches you the physical skills as well as the verbal skills 
  • Builds confidence
  • Teaches you how to avoid threatening situations
  • Increase feelings of safety
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety 
  • Improves overall physical health and mental health
  • Social Interaction
  • Improves muscle tone and therefore increase in strength

Those who attack others seek people who are portrayed as vulnerable. Self defence classes can combat this, making you feel more confident, stronger and in control. It is much better to be equipped and have these skills rather than not have them.

Joining Self-Defence Classes

In the event of an attack, you may only have very limited time to react and defend yourself. Time is precious and can be the difference between safety and serious damage. Equally important is technique. Having the right skills and knowing how to perform each action will greatly improve your chances to achieving a positive outcome and avoiding damage. Your skills need to honed and should become 2nd nature, so in the event of an attack, your instincts will take over and you can evade the trouble.

Your area should have classes available to teach and help practice these skills. In Sydney, self-defence classes are available around the CBD, Bondi and Sutherland Shire, provided by Krav Maga Defence -

Martial Arts can take a number of forms including Karate, Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Kick Boxing etc and are perfect ways to build confidence, physical and mental strength, as well as the skills to administer self-defence techniques. - The Australian academy of martial arts will help you find a class today!

sourced from:
by Nathan Tripolone

Sunday 11 May 2014

Bobbing and weaving

 Bobbing and weaving are two boxing skills that are also essential self-defence techniques.

              Image sourced from:

              Self defence in Boxing
Slipping rotates the body rapidly and you will be not be attacked by  incoming punch.The skillful boxer quickly rotates his hip and shoulder in order to turn his chin in another way.

Sway or Fade 
Swaying or fading lets boxers to use their punches and move upper body or head back in order to miss or make attackers to be leesened.
Duck or Break 
Ducking and breaking are to drop down with back body straightly and the punch which 
aimed at the head or shoulders will miss entirely.

Bob and Weave 
When an incoming punch comes, bobbing moves the head and body. As soon as the 
attackers punch comes, the boxers will bend their legs quickly and shifts body in right orleft direction. Bobbing to the inside tends to move opponents extended arm when boxing.

Parrying or blocking is applied to use boxers hands, shoulders or arms as useful tools to survive from dangerous attacks.

The Cover-Up 
Covering up is the last chance to avoid an unexpected and  incoming strike to vulnerable face or body. 

                                             Video sourced from:

Hair grab

Getting caught in a hair pull can be dangerous and painful, and you can end up in a vary precarious position. Suddenly the head goes forward and down in front of your body -- balance and strength are lost.
For this reason, the hair pull is a preferred way to control someone. Women are especially vulnerable because they tend to have longer hair.
So, what can you do? The most important rule to remember is to follow the energy and not fight it. That means when someone pulls, you don't pull back.

How to get out of the hair pull depends on whether or not you saw it coming. In a perfect world you would be alert all the time, so if attacked you could easily thwart the attack. But unfortunately, you may not see it coming; you may find yourself hit first, or pulled from behind. It is therefore valuable to know how to counter a hair pull in either situation: first, if you see the attack coming and can respond, and second, if the attack comes as a surprise and the next thing you know you are bent over. We also discuss escaping from a hair pull if the attack is just a playful fooling around by a friend or relative.


If You See It Coming And Are Prepared
Again, the first rule is not to pull back. This means that as the attacker pulls, you move inward.

If you see the hair pull coming, instead of allowing your head to be jerked forward, you follow the attacker's energy and move yourself toward him or her. In this case, you also step and turn your body so that you are in a small horse stance. This way you are in a wider, more stable stance over your feet while the attacker's feet are not as well aligned. Thus if the attacker continues to pull, he is more likely to pull himself toward you. At the same time that you step, strike with your elbow against the attacker's floating ribs. The attacker's pull will only give your attack more power.

At the same time the opposite hand should reach up and grab the attacker's hair, pulling the head toward you (alternately this motion can be a palm heel strike to the nose, or a strike to the eyes - only to be used in a life threatening situation - followed by a heel strike to the chin). At the same time, the opposite fist (back fist) strikes the nose or chin. When done together with speed and power, this combination can be devastating.

You can finish the technique with an arm bar. The attacker's grip on your hair will be loosened, or the arm will be pulled back toward his or her head. In either instance lift both your arms (almost like the first move in the karate kata Pinan four) under the attacker's arm. Your left hand grabs the attacker's wrist and rotates the arm while your right forearm circles up and over the attacker's arm to rotate the elbow upward for the arm bar. Be sure to keep some bend in your right arm in order to keep downward pressure on the arm. (2)

If You Don't See It Coming
In this case you find yourself being pulled forward by the hair (see lead photo). Here again, don't fight the energy. Your attacker's energy is pulling you forward, so accentuate it.
Instead of resisting, take a quick step or two toward the attacker into his motion of energy. This nullifies the pull and will actually allow you to get close to the attacker. At this point you can move your head up inside the pulling hand and follow with your body. The attacker is suddenly vulnerable to a variety of attacks. Here I follow up with a punch to the attacker's face.

If Someone Is Just Fooling Around
Then there is the case where a friend or relative is just fooling around or testing what you know. Here, you don't want to hurt them, but still want to make them to stop. One effective technique is to reach up and pinch the underside of the attacker's forearm -- being sure to catch just a little skin between your first finger tip and hard second knuckle of the thumb.

Content derived from
                             Related videos

Saturday 10 May 2014


In a 2005 survey it was found half a million of Australian women reported they had experienced physical or sexual assault in the past 12 months. Violence against women is a serious problem in Australia.

Sexual Assault

Is any unwanted, non-consesual, forced sexual contact or activity.

In any uncomfortable situation
  1. Be bold and give a clear and firm "NO" or "STOP"

These general tips may prevent an attack:
  • Remember all the techniques learnt thus far e.g. effective areas to hit and look for any opportunities to escape
  • When going out be careful what and where you drink. Watch your drinks
  • Always use a buddy system
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Let someone know where you are going and what time you will be expected back 

If the attack occurs, do not let your guard down or give up, only let your guard down when you are safely away from the attacker. Although this is a tough situation to go through, speaking to someone and reporting it to police may prevent others from getting assaulting and help you recover from your ordeal.

Physical Assault

1. Watching signs that signal danger

  • Be aware of anyone approaching you. Casually walk away
  • Do not panic, Keep calm
  • Look for opportunities to escape if trapped or cornered in a room
  •  Although this may be hard, try to remember details of the attacker, to later report to the police
  • As above, remember techniques and strategies learnt thus far

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence occurs when a family member uses violent and/or abusive behaviour to control another family member. This may include physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse. Women are mostly subjected to these kinds of abuse, usually committed by their male partners or fathers.

General tips:
  • In an immediate danger, call 000
  • Make an escape plan
  • Prepare for emergencies
  • Being aware of domestic violence shelters and who to contact if it does happen
  • Know your abuser's signals that may trigger violence
  • Identify safety areas in your house
  • Keep a bag with you that includes essentials such as money for cab or phone, change of clothes, medications etc.
National 24 hour phone: 1800 737732

Weapons - How to deal with them... Part 2

The last post on weapons, looked at how to deal with and evade an attacker who is possessing a weapon - be it a gun, knife, bat, rod or plank of wood. This post looks at how to use weapons to your advantage when defending yourself against an attacker. We are not encouraging the possession of weapons, merely providing options to defend yourself in the event of an attack, whereby an object nearby can be used to strike back

Bars, pubs and clubs can turn sour very quickly. Alcohol-fueled violence is common and a peaceful evening, can turn very nasty, very quickly. If threatened in bar, all parties involved have access to glasses. These can cause serious damage. A salt shaker can be used as a hard object to deliver a brute force strike. Aim for the head and if it breaks, the salt will double for vision impairment. This can allow you to run away

Most people will carry a set of keys. Keys are often sharp and can easily slot between your fingers for a brutal punch, that can substantially wound the attacker.

A bar stool is handy to put distance between yourself and an attacker. Or swinging the stool toward the attackers head or groin will cause enough damage to allow you some time to run away or obtain help.

Fence palings, bin lids, rocks, bricks and branches are all effective objects, likely to be found outdoors - that can help in the event of an attack. Swinging them toward the softer areas of the attackers body, like the head, neck and eyes, or toward the groin and stomach, will deliver maximum results.

By Nathan Tripolone