Sunday 20 April 2014

Designing our blog



Final Layout


  • Bold Colours: Green and Black. Both are bold colours that are direct and empower the person, which is the aim of the blog. Some people also associate green with safety. We want women to guard their safety and promote that this is a safe and reliable blog with the only aim of helping women.
  • Background: Consistent with Women's self defence to reinforce information. Also empowers women by showing a woman defending herself from an attackers and having the strength and force to defend herself.
  • Font: Bold, easy to read and direct
  • Gadgets including:
  1. Polls:  Will enable interaction with viewers, cater information to women, what they want to learn. Consecutive blogs will be focused on the answers to these polls, which are structured around self defence techniques and strategies.
  2. Google Translate:  Empowering women around the globe.
  3. Images: Related to content, visual component e.g. if information was about body parts to hit, images will show these target areas.
  4. Blog archive
  5. Popular posts: For easy access
  6. Labels: Will allow easy navigation to readers. These will be revolved around type of self-defence technique and main content on the blog post


    About us

    We are students of ISYS100 at Macquarie University. We are dedicated to provide information on self defence including information on prevention and techniques women can use to defend themselves.

    Nathan Tripolone
    Local Student - 22 years old from Sydney
    Studying: Majoring at Marketing
    On women's self defence: " I believe that women's self defence should be part of mainstream teachings in schools, as it can save many females from unwanted situations whereby their safety is compromised".

    Yanjun Chen (Twinkle)
    International Student - 21 years old from China
    Studying: Majoring in Commerce Accounting
    On women's self defence: "I believe it is necessary for women to learn skills to defend against threats. It is also a way to keep feet and to feel safer on the street when walking alone".
    Maya Brundrit
    Local Student - 21 years old from Sydney
    Studying: Psychology and Health
    On women's self defence: "I believe all women should be equipped with self-defence techniques. Every woman should have this opportunity - Otherwise it is an injustice".

    Chen Lei
    International Student - 21 years old from China
    Studying: Professional Accounting
    On women's self defence: "These techniques will be women's self confidence and strength to be able to protect themselves. It is very important that women learn these skills".

    Next blog: We will include general tips on self defence including PREVENTING various situations for example always walking home with someone rather than yourself. In the coming blogs we will also post videos for various techniques that we will talk about. 

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